Inquiry 2017


Raising student achievement: My teacher inquiry-What now?
Your action plan will be a dynamic document and you will be expected to share your progress with you colleagues during PLD sessions. Keep in mind the school PLD 2017 goals.

Name:  Richard Tuhaka                                         School: Tolaga Bay Area School                                                                            Date:  2017
SMART goal? How to implement technology successfully into my Sustainability Classes?
Recording, processing and displaying data, dialogue and visual aides through technology namely the internet and blogging.
Are the students learning and understanding what is being taught? Can they respond or relay back their understandings through the introduction of devices and more intensive in the field learning?

S   specific

M   measurable

A   achievable

R   realistic

T   time bound

My PLD goals: What will be my focus this year?

Students use devices all the time and are comfortable with most technology especially apps. Can they use this successfully in classroom practice? An initial feeling is 50-50. Confidence on phones does not transfer into confidence on computers. Confidence in applications is not confidence in understanding concepts and ideas around sustainability. Confidence on devices does not transfer into confidence in speaking.
What is happening here?
Is this what we expected?
Should we be concerned?
Do we need to take a closer look?
Practice makes perfect. Initial attempts are varied. A few are confident and showing clear understanding of concepts to be presented. A few are not. Lack self-motivation to be accurate. More work can improve this. Keep going.
What do we already know about this?
What do we need to find out?
How might we do this?
The students concerned have a range of abilities and vary in literacy and numeracy skill levels. Testing and assessment shows this already. Their actions reinforce it to another degree. This means they have, possibly, low self-esteem or confidence when understanding and explaining what is taught or learnt and then what needs to be done next. Risk taking needs to be explored more. Discussion during tasks need to be more. Reinforcement of concepts and ideas as we work.  
Collaborative Sense Making
What is our data telling us?
What insights does it provide?
Is this good enough?
What might we need to explore further?
We need to make mistakes and learn that mistakes are a part of the learning process. Its ok to admit mistakes and identify them and use them to ensure we correct them or make improvements to our learning. The change is minor to major. Depending on individual students feelings and willingness to take risks and make mistakes. The strengths are that we are already doing and participating in the concepts of sustainability. Our hands on activities all relate directly to concepts and ideas. Support needs to be around verbalizing what has taken place. The steps along the way and linking what we do to each concept.
Prioritising to take action
What do we need to do and why?
How big is the change we are planning?
What strengths do we have to draw on?
What support might we need?

Monitoring and Evaluating Impact
What is happening as a result of our improvement actions?
What evidence do we have of progress?
Is this good enough?
Do we need to adjust what we are doing?
What are we learning here?

Learning Mentor 2016

My teacher inquiry mentor for 2016 is:                                                                           

We have agreed to have progress meetings:                                                               
(weekly, fortnightly, monthly)

Date of meeting
Notes of discussion

Target ARONA Students 2016
Target students- select a group (5 or 6) of ARONA students in one class who you would identify as a priority- they are at risk of under achieving this year.

Who are they and what evidence have you used to identify these students who are at risk of underachieving?

Student name (class, ethnicity, gender)


Assessment data around literacy and numeracy
Behaviour while not disruptive or concerning can be withdrawn and lack motivation.


One on one sessions have shown lower than expected literacy skills. Also a reluctance to use technology especially new technology.


Behaviour while not disruptive or concerning can be withdrawn and lack motivation.
Can become disengaged and may have chosen this course as the lesser of three evils.


Assessment data around literacy and numeracy


Behaviour while not disruptive or concerning can be withdrawn and lack motivation especially in terms of writing on computers so far.

Tolaga Bay Area School Backward Mapping the Evidence
Collecting and having a conversation about evidence about your extraordinary, everyday practice, connecting your practice to the PTC and how your practice and the PTC relate to Tataiako.

Tataiako Cultural Competency
Tangata whenuatanga
Tangata whenuatanga
Tangata whenuatanga
Wananga Ako

Evidence Sources
Well being
Ongoing PD
Learning plans


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