My Teaching Philosophy

My Teaching philosophy is to give the best I can whenever I can and lead by example. To ensure learning is fun and fulfilling. That learning happens everywhere and to not always take yourself too seriously. I want to teach my students about caring and and compassion for themselves and others.

I want to provide an inclusive and positive environment for students to learn and thrive. To see learning as fun, hard, slow, easy, problem solving and related to the real world in as many ways possible. I want students to know I care and that they have the power to do anything they set their minds to.

I want students to be individuals who can stand out in the crowd, who can challenge norms and stereotypes. Who can think for themselves and not follow the pack.

It is my belief that I can do this through my own attitude and recognising openly where I fall short or do not know. show that I learn everyday. Show that I make mistakes and that learning is a journey not a destination.

Life and learning is more about people and journeys than it is about numbers and facts. Learning is about being open and finding ones self and finding the gems they have inside and value every talent a student has no matter what it is, it is a talent, a passion a motivator.

I want to show my passion and how I do the things I do and why. I want to be a leader, an example of what you can do, or what you should't do.
It is not often you fall down that matters it how many times you get back up that does.

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